Pakistan Project

Phase 3: Enter The Equipment Estimate - $7,000 USD Dispursed funds to date - $6,680 USD Phase 3 Completed! $1000 - $3000 - $5000 - $7000
Project Re-Evaluation : Phase three has been re-evaluated due to high inflation and changing supply costs, property purchasing delays and staff restructuring. Please continue to pray for the Pakistani people and the children that will be helped through this project. The unanimous decision was made to renovate and use the exisiting property already owned by EFC and the PCFO.
Training Center tools needed!

Social Media Support

Air conditioning units needed!
Families we serve (brickyards)
Families we serve (rural areas)
Families we serve (in the city)
New printer needed!
Solar panels save on electricity costs
Initial meeting with center registrants.
Project Details : We are now moving into our third and last phase for renovation fundraising. This phase is called 'Enter the Equipment' because it is associated with purchasing all the tools needed to run the ministry center. These things will include computers and printers, air conditioning units, training center chairs, salon tools, water dispensers, security cameras and solar panels. It is our hope to have these items installed and ready to use in the near future. Thank you for your continued support!
Foldable mattresses for overnight students
Solar panel invertor purchase
Solar invertor installed and working!
Preparing the solar panels for the roof
Center registrants being introduced
Completing the center foyer wiring
Installation of the foyer shelving
Solar panel girders being painted
The roof solar panels are connected
Delivery of solar panels by local merchants
The last panels being installed at night
Training center air conditioner installed!
Pump and Pipes installed for water system
Church air conditioner installed
Solar battery backup for full day usage
Unpackaging unit in the church (third floor)
Phase 1 Details Phase 1 Details Phase 2 Details Phase 2 Details Phase 4 Details Phase 4 Details

Pakistan Project

Phase 3: Enter the Equipment Estimate - $7,000 USD Dispursed funds to date - $7,000 USD
Project Re-Evaluation : All phases are under re-evaluation due to high inflation and changing supply costs, property delays and staff restructuring. Please continue to pray for the Pakistani people and the children that will be helped through this project. Phase Three Details : We are now moving into our third and last phase for renovation fundraising. This phase is called 'Enter the Equipment' because it is associated with purchasing all the tools needed to run the ministry center. These things will include computers and printers, air conditioning units, training center chairs, salon tools, water dispensers, security cameras and solar panels. It is our hope to have these items installed and ready to use in the near future. Thank you for your continued support!
$1000 - $3000 - $5000 - $7000
Phase 3 Completed!
Families we serve (rural areas)
Families we serve (in city)
Training room tools and supplies needed!
Solar panels save on electricity costs.
Families we serve (Brickyard)
Old Printer needs replacement!
Foldable mattresses for overnight students
Initial meeting with center registrants.
Center registrants are introduced to training.
Solar panel invertor purchase
Solar power invertor installed and working!
Installation of foyer shelving
Painting the steel girders for the new solar panels.
Delivery of solar panels to save on electricity costs.
Solar Panels over patio used for needed shade.
Completing the install during the evening hours.
Air conditioning units purchased and installed.
Training center air conditioning installed.
Water system pump and pipes installed.
Solar battery backup for full day usage..