Pakistan Project
Phase 1: Property Costs
Estimate - $6,400 USD
Dispursed funds to date - $6,400 USD
Phase Completed!
$1000 - $2500 - $4500 - $6400
Project Re-evaluation
Phase one has been re-evaluated due to
high inflation, property costs and supply
costs. Please continue to pray for the
Pakistani people and the children that will benefit
from this project.
Our online community is currently working alongside
Emmanuel Fellowship Church (EFC) and the Pakistan
Christian Fellowship Orgnaization (PSCFO) to help
needy children, teens and young adults in the urban
and rural areas of Faisalabad, Pakistan.
Phase 1 Details:
We began this project with high hopes for a land
purchase with a down payment in a colony. Since
then, our plans had to be reevaluated and funds
had to be recovered. The unanimous decision was
made to renovate and use the existing property
already owned by EFC and PCFO.
Our initial orphanage plans hit a closed door, but
God opened another that is much more cost
effective with the ability to provide youth with a
multifaceted (three story) ministry center. All
phase one available funds have been authorized
to be used in phase two renovations.
Ministry Center Property
Building Repairs
Team Prayer