Pakistan Project
Phase 4: Final Odds & Ends
Estimate - $7,150 USD Dispursed funds - $7,150 USD
Phase 4 Completed!
$1000 - $3000 - $5000 - $7150
Project Re-Evaluation :
All phases are regularly re-evaluated due to high
inflation and changing supply costs, property purchasing delays
and staff restructuring. Please continue to pray for the Pakistani
people and the children that will be helped through this project.
The unanimous decision was made to renovate and use the
exisiting property already owned by EFC and the PCFO.
Social Media Support
Purchasing security cameras
Inspecting security cameras
Installing the security cameras
Project Details :
This is our final phase for the renovation and complete setup of
all three floors of the ministry center. The estimated costs will
incorporate a mix of final purchases which include the following;
Security: An 8 camera IP cameras NRV system with
installation for the full property.
Church (third floor): A multimedia system and water
Office (second floor): A computer system, laptop, printer and
scanner. Furniture renovations.
Internet: An internet upgrade with new devices, initial setup
costs, installation and accessories.
Equipment for Clients: Clothes cupboard / drawers, bed
sheets / blankets, essential accessories and a washing
Equipment for Training Center: One facial machine, glass
and fitting expenses for cupboard, head unit, haircut chair,
facial bed, simple computer, poshesh and Sofa cushions,
water dispenser.
Ministry Center team Meeting
New monitor for the center
Ministry center training uniforms
The beginning of the training sessions
Home visits for those who are sick.
Christmas celebrations with the children
Christmas blessing for the families
Christmas blessings for the children
Christmas blessings for the children
We now have hot water in the center
New lockers for the trainees
Repairing the salon chairs for the center
New chairs and furniture for the center
Installing an electrical upgrade
Repaired! One more chair in action
Ministry center lobby sign installed
Online meetings with Tariq and Frank
Team members and trainees meeting
Third floor restroom construction
Restroom electric and plumbing
More photos coming soon!